

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

First Furlough Friday Coming Up

Well, I guess our voices have fallen on deaf ears. Furlough Fridays are going to happen. I had hoped that our leaders would have come to their senses by now, but I was wrong. Our children have been held hostage and at the end of the day, will end up the losers. What a shame. This State has made a clear statement to the rest of the country. Education is not a priority here. It never was. No matter what we've been told over the years, the proof is in the pudding. The State of Hawaii is willing to compromise the education of our children to balance a budget that includes careless and irresponsible spending.

The fact that the State and the HSTA decided to take the furloughs on instructional days is clear that our children was never considered in the negotiations. To even consider taking away instructional days from our children is shameful. I have heard a lot chatter from elected officials lately, about how we must stop this. Where were they when they could make a difference? Why wait until a week before the furloughs to try and fix it? Politics is a way of life, but we must keep it away from the future of our kids.

Hawaii is already known for low test scores and a substandard educational system. These furlough days will only make it worse. Can you imagine shortening an already shortened school year? What possible justification can there be? I can't believe that the State has allowed this to happen.

As I stated in an earlier post, next year is an election year. Please remember those that forgot about our children. They don't deserve to be in office. Harsh words? Damn right. This is a serious matter and we must hold our leaders accountable. Our children are our future. What is happening is not acceptable. No Child Left Behind? In Hawaii, it is All Children Left Behind! God help our children.


  1. Until last night I thought that the furloughs were a necessary evil until I read Kauai High Schools revised year schedule. They have days that teachers will report without students. These are other days besides the collaboration & planning days. Who the hell came up with this idea? This clearly shows that the students were never considered in the decisions. The politicians will play dumb and blame the DOE & HSTA. They forget their obligations. Tokioka & Hooser had the nerve to appear at the rally. They are the one partly to blame.

  2. I'm a kupuna who has learned throughout the years that politicians now days don't and never did care about the people...can't anyone see this?! It's all about themselves. They reap what they sow and in most cases it's money. Let's pray that in our lifetime we'll see all of them turn from their evil ways because if not the individual, their future generations will inherit it. It's passed on from generation to generation. MALAMA PONO EVERYBODY...
