

Monday, October 12, 2009

Golf Tournament for Mom

Aloha friends. As you may know, my mom Jessie Sam Fong was diagnosed with kidney cancer late last year. She lost a kidney to cancer back in 1992 and had only one kidney remaining. Her doctor on Kauai said that her only option was to remove her remaining kidney and go on dialysis for the rest of her life. We called around the country and learned that the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota was willing to give us a second opinion. In December, we made the trip to Minnesota and learned that surgery to remove the 6 tumors on her remaining kidney was possible, but chemotherapy would be needed first to hopefully shrink the tumors. We stayed in Minnesota for 3 weeks then returned home where mom went through 7 gruelling months of chemotherapy. On August 10th, we returned to Minnesota and mom had her first surgery on August 13th. After 7 weeks, and 6 total surgeries, mom returned home and is recovering well. Her kidney was saved and she requires no dialysis or other treatments. We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers that helped mom get through this ordeal.

As you can imagine, our family has incurred many expenses. To help these expenses, we are holding a benefit golf tournament at the Kiahuna Golf Club on November 1st. It will be a 3-man scramble with a hole-in-one prize of a brand new Harley Davidson motorcycle. We will also have a putting contest where 2 people will each have a chance to putt for $5,000 in cash. A flyer and registration form is attached.

For non-golfers that want to help, donations can be sent to:

Benefit for Jessie
3236 Inouye Street
Lihue, HI 96766

Hole sponsorships are $100 and all prize donations are welcome. If you need more information, please feel free to contact me at any time. We thank you in advance for your help. Mahalo.

1 comment:

  1. Aloha Mel, happy to hear the good news of your mom's recovery. We can only imagine the expenses that's piled up and the additional stress that adds to all of you. We don't have golfers in our family, except our 6 year old grandson. But he is just learning so he doesn't qualify. We will however, be mailing our donation to above address and also let others know.
