

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lingle traveling to China to promote Hawaii tourism, build partnerships

Honolulu Advertiser breaking news on the internet. My question is simple. Shouldn't we be investing in our kids' education before tourism and partnerships?

Lingle acknowledged that she will be leaving the state during a debate over an estimated $1 billion budget deficit through June 2011 and public backlash over teacher furlough days.

But the governor said it is equally important for the state to look to increased business development and prepare for the economic recovery.

Maybe I'm just totally off track. Sorry for the short post but I know I will say the wrong thing if I continue. I'll just go to my room and breathe. This is really draining on the body and the mind. Good night.


  1. Totally unbelievable! Obama should revoke her passport!

  2. I agree with the Governor, it is important for the state to look to increased business etc., however, her staff or the legistlors should recommend and/or remind her that there are things like, long distance phone calls, fax machines, computers and even texting that could do the job PLUS save lots of tax payors money, don't you think? Why travel at a time like this when SHE can't balance the budget? Ofcourse, it's not her own money but the tax payors' that's why...

  3. Mel, here's an article in the NY Times about the stimulus package and education:

  4. But what is the other reason for going to China?
    Surely the trip to Israel was not to plant a fugging tree.

  5. Me smell something FISHY - What is the real reason for going to China? China owns most of the US debts. Do we really need China's help? Shouldn't she and her staff really be trying to find ways to balance the budget but cutting spending especially their travel etc.? The last thing I would be doing when I dont have enough money to balance our budget is to go and spend what I don't have.
