

Monday, November 2, 2009

Does Anyone Disagree With This Letter?

The following letter to the editor was printed in The Garden Island newspaper. Please share your thoughts on this letter.

The Education Governor

A recent letter claims that Neil Abercrombie has not spoken out about teacher furlough days (“Don’t alienate anyone before a primary,” Letters, Oct. 28). Nothing could be further from the truth.

Congressman Abercrombie has been front and center on this issue. He met with President Obama’s education secretary, Arne Duncan, to talk about how the furloughs might affect Hawai‘i’s ability to get federal funds for education. Duncan responded by writing an opinion piece calling this furlough plan a mistake.

Abercrombie was the only gubernatorial candidate to show his support in person at the Oct. 23 rally at the State Capitol. Abercrombie shared his feelings with upset parents and students and stressed that these lost school days need to be restored now.

Other candidates have dodged reporter interviews or shrugged their shoulders with tired and lame excuses. For example, in a commentary last month in The Garden Island, Lt. Gov. Aiona said the administration had its hands tied. He wrote: “The decision to furlough teachers on instructional days was made by the Board of Education, the DOE and the Hawai‘i State Teachers Association.”

Days after that appeared, Gov. Lingle admitted she made a mistake and should have not have agreed to the collective bargaining deal that resulted in all these 17 lost days of classroom time.

Neil Abercrombie is the only educator running for governor and has consistently been endorsed by educators. He understands that it’s the students who come first; today, tomorrow and forever.Neil Abercrombie will be Hawai‘i’s long-overdue education governor.


  1. Clues - Neil Abercrombie is running for Governor. He'll say and do anything like other politicians just to get your vote. We need to see action i.e. Furlougs stopped immediately before we can believe anything politicians say anymore. As for the writer of this article, we wonder what is he looking to gain for speaking in favor of Mr. Abercrombie. We don't see anyone doing anything for nothing these days. Voters BEWARE of TroJan Horses.. Follow the money too...

  2. I haven't really heard anyone strongly oppose the furloughs. It is a political hot potato, and most won't get involved. We are making national news, and are the laughing stock once again. This is truly a shame.

  3. it's laughable to think gov. lingle is NOW speaking out against the furloughs. as an hsta member, most of know that her original proposal to the union was for 36 furlough days per year!

  4. Soon as I saw who wrote the letter, what was written was totally discounted. It's easy for Abercrombie to talk, as he is far away from the problems here.

  5. I support Neil for Governor, and impeaching Ms. Lingle as soon as possible.

    I will be posting a downloadable file that people can make into a bumber sticker on my blog tomorrow. I will also be writing about impeaching her and the impeachment process and the right of the people to call for her impeachment to shame her out of public office. Lets not let her get any ideas of a higher office!

    I would publicly like to thank the KEO Afterschool Program, for taking my child for FREE on furlough days, and making it so much fun for her, and then taking her home as well! Its a great program, and should be commended.

    HEWA for people and programs that are charging ridiculous amounts around the state for childcare. There is another SHAME SHAME HEWA thing, too!!
